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18 items found for "balkan scent hound"
- Savory Soup Powder
The seeds will be best ground, but pounding will do: sift all through a hair sieve, and bottle for use
- Tapioca Pudding
A historical note that I found is that RI Army officers celebrating the fourth of July during the siege
- Apple Custard
with the back of a spoon; (you must have a pint and a half of the stewed Apple;) mix a quarter of a pound
- Curry Powder
Put the ingredients in a cool oven for the night; thoroughly pound and mix together, and close bottle
- Rum and Wine Syrups
Syrup of Rum Punch Jamaica rum one quart Juice of twelve or fourteen lemons, sugar four pounds.
- Growing Celery (Apium graveolens)
Trenching celery requires that soil be mounded up against the stems to produce a crisp, pale stem or
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